The school, a joint project…

The Steiner School in Verrières-le-Buisson has, since its beginnings, been the fruit of a commitment to children’s education by teachers and parents. Alongside the teachers, the dedication of parents is an essential part of the school’s life.

Supported by an association, the school has various bodies that bring together parents and teachers. The Board of Directors consists of teachers and parents. To fulfil its mission as an association, it is assisted by several other committees, who take on different tasks that are essential to the smooth running of the school.

It is this mutual involvement that enables the Steiner School of Verrières-le-Buisson to offer a committed and innovative pedagogy


Collaboration between parents and teachers is a specific and important feature of Waldorf pedagogy. The teacher or kindergarten teacher accompanies the child over several years. This long-term approach also enables parents and teachers to work closely together to the benefit of the child and his/her development.
Individual meetings are available on a regular basis, at the simple request of parent or teacher

Involved parents

  • In associative life, through free participation in school management via the Board of Directors and various committees (works and safety, grounds maintenance, communications, educational support, etc.);
  • In the educational support of their children, in a joint educational approach with teachers;
  • In helping to organise and run the school’s Christmas market, according to their availability.

Committed teachers

In the school’s management, through participation in various committes (works and safety, grounds maintenance, communications, etc.);

  • In defining the educational pillars right through to budget management;
  • In a co-educational approach with parents;
  • In helping to organise and run the school’s Christmas market.

Parent representative

Parents in each class, from the kindergarten onwards, choose a parent representative. Parent representatives are elected at the end-of-year meeting for the following year.

Their role is to facilitate communication and collaboration between parents and teachers. Their mission covers several areas:

  • Transmitting information between parents and teachers;
  • Coordinating with teachers any classroom activities  involving parents;
  • Communicating between parents and teaching staff.

Class meetings

Starting in kindergarten, parents are invited to a quarterly parent/teacher meeting. These important meetings provide an opportunity to learn more about the school’s teaching methods, as teachers present a teaching theme or explain how they approach a particular subject. They are also an opportunity to share information about life in the classroom.

How the school works


Les inscriptions sont possibles toute l’année pour toutes les sections, de la Maternelle à la Terminale.
Merci d’envoyer votre demande via ce formulaire ou de nous joindre par téléphone au
01 60 11 38 12

[Suite à des bugs occasionnels] Si vous n’avez pas de réponse à votre demande sous une semaine après envoi du formulaire, nous vous remercions de contacter l’accueil pour vérifier sa bonne réception.

Suite à votre demande, nous vous transmettrons un dossier à compléter et à nous retourner par mail, par la poste ou à déposer dans la boîte aux lettres de l’école.

Sous deux semaines, un professeur vous contactera pour vous proposer un rendez-vous pédagogique, pour lequel la présence de l’enfant et de ses deux parents est requise.

Suite à ce rendez-vous, un des deux professeurs vous ayant reçus, vous informera de la décision du Collège des professeurs, vous confirmant ou non l’inscription de votre enfant.

Voir la grille des tarifs pour 2023-2024. Et les tarifs 2024-2025.

L’école, en collaboration avec le Fonds Educations Plurielles, a mis en place une caisse de solidarité pour octroyer des bourses aux familles n’ayant pas les moyens de payer tout ou partie de la scolarité. Si vous êtes dans cette situation, n’hésitez pas à contacter:

Vous pouvez aussi télécharger la correspondance des âges par classe
(n’hésitez pas à nous appeler pour en savoir plus sur la classe
où serait inscrit votre enfant suite à la modification de notre cycle élémentaire).

Demande d'inscription
Format +33999999999

Informations sur les enfants à inscrire
